The causes of infertility are diverse and can be caused by both organic and hormonal disorders. Therefore, we place great emphasis on comprehensive clarification of these problems.

In order to ensure the best possible start to a pregnancy, careful preparation is essential. I am happy to advise you early on about which factors can have a positive or negative impact on fertility.

During an initial consultation, the overall picture will be diagnosed. In addition to conservative treatment options, I also offer cycle monitoring and insemination to support a successful pregnancy.


Probleme beim Kinder­wunsch sind viel­fältig und können sowohl durch organ­ische als auch hormo­nelle Stör­ungen ver­ur­sacht werden – eine umfassende Ab­klär­ung ist uns daher wichtig.

Für einen guten Start in eine mögliche Schwangerschaft ist eine gute Vorbereitung wichtig. Ich berate Sie gerne schon frühzeitig darüber, was sich positiv aber auch was sich negativ auf die Fruchtbarkeit auswirken kann.

In einem Erstgespräch wird das Gesamtbild diagnostiziert und neben konservativen Behandlungsmöglichkeiten, biete ich auch Zyklusüberwachungen und Insemination an.


Over the next nine months, you and your partner will experience an exciting time that will bring about sustainable changes in your life not only during pregnancy, but also afterwards. For us as a medical team, it is always a wonder to observe the growing life. The growing belly, the anticipation of the baby, and the curiosity about everything that happens during pregnancy are an unforgettable event for everyone involved.

Our team of doctors and midwives is happy to accompany you during this exciting time and is available for all questions and concerns related to your pregnancy. We offer you a comprehensive care and support so that you can feel well prepared for the arrival of your baby.