NAD+ Clinic -Luxembourg Treatments including deep relaxation massage
The first clinic in Luxembourg to offer NAD+ vitamin infusions. Here are the benefits at a glance:
- Regeneration of the brain & improvement of mental performance
- Refreshed, revitalized feeling Cell and DNA repair
- More energy to combat burnout and fatigue
- Anti-aging
NOW NEW for women and men
Permanent Hair Removal
Save yourself time, nerves, and costs with the Alexandrite laser treatment for effective and permanent hair removal.
JETZT NEU für Frau und Mann:
Permanent Haarentfernung
Sparen Sie sich Zeit, Nerven und Kosten mit der Alexandrit-Laserbehandlung zur effektiven und dauerhaften Haarentfernung .
Aesthetic Medicine
As a member of the German Society for Aesthetic Botox Treatment, I am well acquainted with treating the glabellar lines, forehead lines, and wrinkles around the eyes for years.
- Wrinkle laser treatment
- Botox
- Hyaluronic acid
Laser Treatment
We work with the latest technologies to assist you with the following conditions:
- Removal of genital warts
- Lesions of the cervix
- Vascular lesions/spider veins
- Intimate discomfort
- Combatting excessive sweating
- Hyperpigmentation of the skin
- Rosacea
Kinderwunsch & Schwangerschaft
Ob Kinderwunsch oder Schwangerschaft, wir begleiten Sie durch die aufregende Phase Ihres Lebens.
- Zyklusüberwachung
- Insemination
- Intensive Schwangerschafftsüberwachung und Betreeung von Hebamme
Fertility & Pregnancy
Whether you wish to have a child or you are pregnant, we accompany you through this exciting phase of your life.
- Cycle monitoring
- Insemination
- Intensive pregnancy monitoring
- Midwife care
Menopause Clinic
We accompany you through the natural aging process and advise you on health prevention.
- Hormone replacement therapy
- Vaginal rejuvenation
- Vitamin + NAD infusion
- Laser skin resurfacing
- Laser wrinkle treatment
As a former senior physician for urogynecology, I specialize in women’s pelvic floor health and will create an individualized treatment plan for you.
- Pelvic organ prolapse
- Incontinence
- Atrophy
Als ehemalige Oberärztin für die Urogynäkologie bin ich Spezialistin in der Beckenbodengesundheit der Frau und ich werde einen Individuellen Therapieplan für Sie vornehmen.
- Senkungserkrankungen
- Inkontinenz
- Atrophie
Cancer Screening
Examination of the breast for breast cancer using breast ultrasound.
Diagnosis of the cervix, vagina, and vulva.
- Colposcopy
- Biopsy of tissue changes
- Papilloma lesions
Wir untersuchen das hormonelle Gleichgewicht mithilfe einer klinischen Hormondiagnose, die für das Wohlbefinden und die Gesundheit der Frau relevant ist.
- PCO Syndrom
Hormone Consultation
We examine hormonal balance using clinical hormone diagnosis, which is relevant to women’s well-being and health.
- PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome)
Ambulante Operationen
Wir bieten eine Vielzahl an Leistungen an im Bereich Intimoperationen mit lokaler Betäubung u.a. auch ästhetische Medizin:
- Kleine Labienkorrektur
- Condylomentfernung
- Polypenentfernung
- Fibromentfernung
- Narbenkorrektur
- Dermatologische Eingriffe z.B. Entfernung von Hautanhängsel
We inform you about various contraceptive methods.
Insertion of intrauterine devices:
- Hormonal intrauterine device
- Copper intrauterine device
- Genefix
and much more. We find the right contraceptive method for you.
Ambulatory Surgery
We offer a variety of services in the field of intimate surgeries with local anesthesia in the field of aesthetic medicine:
- Minor labiaplasty
- Condyloma removal
- Polyp removal
- Fibroma removal
- Scar correction
- Dermatological procedures
e.g. removal of skin tags